our process is set up to quickly get us from problem-analysis to ideation and design implementation, without missing steps along the way.

we encourage clients to share as much information as they wish, including trivial things like the colours they outright hate. Everything matters.

When you think of design, think "plan" or "strategy" instead.

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In the past, process was very linear--analysis, ideation, design, implementation, evaluation. In todays, fast-paced world, sections of process overlap, and that's okay if you start with a thorough analysis at the beginning. It is not unusual for design, implementation and analysis to overlap or run parallel.

Although the core components remain the same, our process can adapt to the dynamic nature of the market, according to our client's needs.

Indigo Ink Studios collaborates with clients to achieve the best results for their specific needs, as opposed to delivering “cookie-cutter” solutions. Such collaborations often result in simple but unique design solutions that work well, look good and last long.